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Friday, September 14, 2018

Febbit.com - Funny game to earn bitcoin

Febbit.com is good choice if you prefer to earn bitcoins through playing games. It is a simple game where you ar frog who mine blocks until certain time required to fill up a cart. Through mining you collect credits and BTC satoshi. Through mining you lose energy and get heat, so for time required to fill up cart you need to refresh energy and cool down heat. But refreshing energy and cooling down is just for temporary boost of your mining power, if you don't have enough time to do that you will continue to earn rewards until cart time expire, just generating credits and BTC satoshi will be slower. Refreshing energy and cooling down both give 1 exp, so it also help you to level up faster. After cart time expire you need to collect it to generate new block and continue with mining. If you watch short AD, you get double amount of credits and additional 10 Febbit.

Higher level mean higher rewards. There are also chips of different types and levels which used to boost your mining power, cart time, boost duration, but same chips have negative effect also. Total mining power and boost generally depend of combination of chips you use. You have board of 9 slot where you can install chips, and inventory where you store chips with 30 slots, but you also can increase slots buying items in shop. You also can upgrade chips with credits, higher grade chips have higher level cap. 

There are 4 currencies in game: Credits - used to upgrade chips, Dust - makes chips more powerful, Febbit - premium currency to buy items in shop and Satoshi - Bitcoin satoshi for payout.

There are also daily missions and weekly events where you get additional Credits, Febbits, Dust, and Catches with contain chips. On higher levels rewards are increasedm

Referral system have 3 tiers with 10%, 3% and 1% commissions.

You can request payout after you collecting 1000 satoshi. Payout are instant on your faucethub.io account.

There are faucets with higher rewards, but if you want to collect BTC in funny and unique way, Febbit is definitely for you.


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